miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013


Iata ce am gasit astazi!.Poate ca e banc, poate ca nu...
Poate mai degraba nu.
In fine, se presupune ca este o circulara trimisa de angajatii straini catre angajatii romani(din cadrul aceleiasi multinationale din Romania):

CIRCULARA data de o companie straina din Romania angajatilor lor romani

Ce se intampla cand si staff-ul de natie straina din firma invata cateva
> cuvinte romanesti!
> Apare Circulara ! .. prin e-mail:
> Acesta este un e-mail intern (pentru angajatii romani) de la o
> reprezentanta din Romania a unei mari corporatii (faza e adevarata!)

> To: All Romanian Speaking Staff

> Subject: Improper Language Usage It has been brought to our attention by
> several officials visiting our office in Romania that offensive language is
> commonly used by our Romanian speaking staff.

> Such behavior, in addition to violating our policy, is highly
> unprofessional and offensive to both visitors and staff. All personnel
> will immediately adhere to the following rules:

> 1. Words like futui, în pula mea, pula and other such expressions will not
> be tolerated or used for emphasis or dramatic effect, no matter how heated
> a discussion may become.
> 2. You will not say si-a bagat pula when someone makes a mistake, or s-a
> cacat pe el if you see someone being reprehended, or baga-mi-as, when a
> major mistake has been made. All forms and derivations of the verb a se
> caca and a se fute are utterly inappropriate
> and unacceptable in our environment.
> 3. No project manager, section head or administrator under any
> circumstances will be referred to as pula de om, cacanaru' or boul.
> 4. Lack of determination will not be referred to as pulalau nor will
> persons who lack initiative be referred to as muiangiu.
> 5. Unusual or creative ideas offered by management are not to be referred
> to as porcarii.
> 6. Do not say futu-ti mata if somebody is persistent; do not add pula mea,
> if a colleague is going through a difficult situation. Furthermore, you
> must not say am pus-o (refer to item 2) or o sa ne-o traga when a matter
> becomes excessively complicated.
> 7. When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say du-te-n pula
> mea or should you ever substitute "May I help you?" with, ce pula mea
> vrei?.
> 8. Under no circumstances should you ever call your elderly industrial
> partners bosorogi împutiti.
> 9. Do not say ia mai mereti-n pula cu cacatu' asta when a relevant project
> is presented to you, nor should you ever answer futu-te-n cur when your
> assistance is required.
> 10. You should never call partner representatives as boul dracului or
> tâmpitu' ala.
> 11. The sexual behavior of our staff is not to be discussed in terms such
> as pizdulica buna, futaciosu' or homalau' lu' peste.
> 12. Last but not least, after reading this note, please do not say ma
> sterg la cur cu textul asta. Just keep it clean and dispose of it properly

Un comentariu:

Cecilia spunea...

Da, e reala faza. E destul de veche.
Oricum textul este tragicomic.